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About the Publication Scheme

This page contains infomation about the Publication Scheme. Links to data can be found in the Publication Scheme - Guide to Information.


What is a Publication Scheme?

As well as responding to specific requests for information, Nottingham City Council proactively publishes a range of information and datasets that are accessible to everyone. These are detailed within our Publication Scheme and the documentation below details what information and datasets we make available and how you can access these.

The requirement for public authorities to make such information and datasets available is contained within the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and is informed by Publication Scheme guidance approved by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO being the UK's independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

Nottingham City Council has adopted the ICO's Model Publication Scheme and adheres to the content and guidance of the ICO's Definition document for principal local authorities.

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How to access this information

The Publication Scheme - Guide to Information details the range of information and datasets that we make available and how to access these. In most cases the information or data will be accessed via content on Nottingham City Council's website(s) and/or through downloading documents. Where this is not the case you should use the contact details provided in relation to each item of information or dataset.

There may also be instances where material included within our Publication Scheme is too costly or difficult to produce in hard copy or electronic format, or is subject to conservation requirements and will therefore only be available by inspection at the council offices. Again, where this is the case you should use the contact details provided in relation to each item of information or dataset.

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Information exempt from publication

Although we aim to make as much information as possible freely available, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 do exempt from general publication a range of information. If the information or data that you are interested in is not made available through our Publication Scheme, then you can still make a request for information held by Nottingham City Council under the rights provided by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004.
Find out how to make a request for information to Nottingham City Council.

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Fees applicable

Generally there will be no charge for accessing information or datasets via our website(s), but where any fees may apply this will be detailed in the Publication Scheme - Guide to Information.

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The Publication Scheme - Guide to Information

The Publication Scheme - Guide to Information details all of the information and datasets that are currently made available under Nottingham City Council's Publication Scheme. Each item included within the Publication Scheme - Guide to Information specifies the following details:

  • The information or dataset title;
  • A synopsis (summary description) of the information or dataset;
  • Any fees applicable for accessing the information or dataset (note that no charges are currently made for accessing on-line content included within our Publication Scheme);
  • The licence under which the information or dataset is made available.
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