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Car park occupancy

Live car parking data for sites within the Nottingham ParkSmart system. The structure of this data changed on 05/12/2017 as a result of a new system architecture.

Technical description

Please note: Last updated field on this page is relevant to this record on Open Data Nottingham, and is not updated with each refresh of car park occupancy. Please see the parkingRecordVersionTime and parkingStatusOriginTime fields within the data download.

This dataset is a live feed from our internal car park management system (Parksmart), and as such will report faults where they exist - please use the parkingSiteStatus element. Where this element is 'unknown' or 'other', the car park can be considered faulty. During routine maintenance and replacement of car park hardware, there may be duplicate entries for certain sites.

Occupancy data from all car parks in the City Centre is transmitted from the car park barrier-counting system either directly to the Parksmart database at the Traffic Control Centre, or is accessed via a data stream from NCP head office. For the outlying Park and Ride sites, data is obtained from the inductive count loops situated at the entry / exit points of the car parks. The inductive count loops produce less accurate occupancy figures and may result in over or under counting.

Note 1: certain car park elements may contain zero values, and may not report a fault status. Please consider these car parks 'faulty'; unfortunately, this is a feature of the software we use, and consumers will need to take this into account.

Further information

Date last updated 05/12/2017
Frequency of update Continually
Date added 14/12/2012
Resource owner Nottingham City Council
Temporal extent Approximately every 5 minutes
Use constraints No Conditions Apply
Geographic extent Nottinghamshire
Additional Information No additional resources defined

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JSONCombined definition and status
JSONCar park definition
JSONCar park status
XMLCar park definition
XMLCar park status
XMLCombined definition and status


More information on these filetypes is available on our about file types page.

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